UMT360 Webinar Archive

How Strategic PMOs are Bridging the Planning & Execution Gap 

For many organizations, traditional PPM just isn’t delivering the anticipated results. One of the main culprits is a gap between organizational strategy and PPM execution. The good news? Bridging this gap is possible – but success requires new thinking and a different approach.

Drawing extensively from real-world examples, this webinar archive reveals the secrets Strategic PMOs use to generate more valuable insights and increased innovation. Looking for significantly better returns from your enterprise investments than traditional project management can provide? View this webinar archive to learn how these 3 tenets of the Strategic PMO can help you drive success:

  • Connect - Integrate portfolios & strategy
  • Cost - Financial transparency & insights
  • Roadmap - Analyze & synchronize roadmaps

Complete the form to view the webinar archive. 

Mike Gruia




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